We done...

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Assalamualaikum w.b.t...

Fifth Day, Week 3
Friday,13 July 2012

For the fifth day,I continue to progress to get the best circuits using PROTUES. For your information, actual circuit can be designed according to our own creativity, where the results of the paths between the components can be connected properly. As an example, if we do not arrange the components to order, it would complicate the process of Eching, then, it  would complicate the process of soldering and so on.

This is the first experiment I did using PROTUES. But it is not the best results. For this circuit, several components are in SMD (surface mount device). Okay, let's talk about the SMD.

An electronic device so made is called a surface-mount device (SMD). In the industry it has largely replaced the through-hole technology construction method of fitting components with wire leads into holes in the circuit board.This technologies can be used on the same board for components not suited to surface mounting such as transformers and heat-sinked power semiconductors.

The main advantages of SMT (surface mount technology) over the older through-hole technique are: 
 - Smaller components. 

 - Much higher component density (components per unit area) and many more connections   per component.

 - Fewer holes need to be drilled.

 - Simpler and faster automated assembly. 

 - Components can be placed on both sides of the circuit board.

 - Lower resistance and inductance at the connection, consequently fewer unwanted RF

 - signal effects and better and more predictable high-frequency performance.

 - Better mechanical performance under shake and vibration conditions.

 -Many SMT parts cost less than equivalent through-hole parts.

  -Better EMC compatibility (lower radiated emissions) due to the smaller radiation loop area (because of the smaller package) and the smaller lead inductance. 




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